heu{s-k}ach & pedro sousa – I know not what tomorrow will bring

heu{s-k}ach is a duo of improvisors (d’incise and Marcel Chagrin) generating long sound constructions, opposing simple, sometime almost repetive elements to concrete textures and deep drones. The hypnotic result is a bastard born from a large range of inspirations like free improv, electroacoustic music, drone and psychedelic music.

For “I know not what tomorrow will bring” they teamed up with Pedro Sousa and recorded 4 wonderful pieces in Lisbon. Using guitar, electronics, a bass drum, objects and a tenor sax they create a wide and open ambience, oscillating between silent passages, rhythmic structures and long drones. Although the complete work is improvised and offers a free structure, all participants keep it together in a very subtle way.

The result is a fantastic work, fitting perfectly to a sleepless, warm and humid summer night.

Release Date

All tracks written and produced by heu{s-k}ach & pedro sousa

Artwork by d’incise, www.dincise.net

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  • 1. silent wind papers
  • 2. sand lips
  • 3. dans la ville blanche
  • 4. bruno’s dream
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This release is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag