About the artist
Mensa project was born on the spring 2006 when I was studying in Sweden. the project started to have a concret form after a few months working with the software. The plan was to develope a personal perspective about sound experimentation. The project was concived with the aim to be showed outdoors.
All the sounds that I process are thinked to be listened outside, in public spaces or natural enviroments. The whole concept of Mensa project goes arround the idea of estimulate a dialogue between sound experimentation with high-tech possibilities and the natural enviroment, the landscape and the countryside.
I found aswell interesting to remark that a big percentage of the tracks that I have been recording are produced in casual places. On trips, on the train, in a library, up in the top of a hill or waiting for the bus. I think it’s really interesting to find other places where to bring your laptop and experiment with different enviroments to see what can happen.
The process of production of the tracks goes arround the idea of something that is flowing. I start to work with a concret drone or pad and it can develope to something or not. Nothing is really planed in the process of production, so improvitsation plays a really important role on the process.
Many of the live sets by Mensa are settled inside Talaies Sonores Project (sound overview project). That’s my main project. The proposal consists in prepare, produce and play experimental sound sesions on the open air, surounded of nature.
The places have to be on high altittude (1000 m above the sea more or less) and have to have a huge overview over a big extension of landscape. The first 4 sessions where done in mountains around Catalonia, those four sesions where performed in a continuous chain of mountains that goes paralely to the coast of Catalonia. Then those sessions are recorded on cd’s and leaved there inside an hermetic plastic recipient. With the help of a GPS device I keep the coordinates of the place and I publish them on the net. Then you can check for the coordinates and go for the cd.
Appearing on the following releases