jeremy bible – lbrnm (reinterpretations of koen parks laburnum)

RB052 - jeremy bible - lbrnm

With “lbrnm” Jeremy Bible presents his first solo work on Resting Bell. Jeremy is well-known for his project with Jason Henry, his experimedia imprint and for his graphic/photo/video work.

“lbrnm” contains 3 reinterpretations of a koen park-piece titled “laburnum” originally released on the highly recommended “grey night clouds” release on experimedia. The original work sounds very clean, deep and calming. It is dominated by a own heartbeat, created with a higher “gong” tone and a subtle beat, giving the piece a very specific structure.

The reinterpretations by Jeremy break this structure. He slightly shifts some elements further into the background, accents other elements, fills in some easeful parts and carefully adds some very, very gentle field-recordings, glitches and sounds. You can still hear the old elements and find some links to the basic material, but new atmospheres emerge from the original sources in these three pieces. A bit more drone, dustier, rustier, and more open.

The original track is a great ambient-electronic-work. And with these three re-workings by Jeremy, you can get further perspective into this wonderful material.

Release Date

The original track laburnum is written by Koen Park
laburnum is part of the album grey night clouds, released on

reinterpretations done by jeremy bible

done by Christian Roth,
Image: Slika 79. Negnoj. (Cýtisus Labúrnum [sic].)

Download tracks sonicSQUIRREL
  • 1. lbrnm 1
  • 2. lbrnm 2
  • 3. lbrnm 3
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